Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The urge to de-clutter

It never fails....every year at this time, I am overwhelmed with the desire, no, NEED to de-clutter. I'm not sure if it is because I have been "trained" by all those shelter and lifestyle magazines that feature "Organize your home in just 5 minutes a day!" or, "10 simple steps to de-clutter your home ...NOW!!!" or if it is my natural reaction to the overwhelming volume of things that make their way into my home each holiday season. Gifts, decorations, food, people, all remnants of times of joy, and celebration and fun, but also a reminder of the level of over consumption that comes with that. This year, I really felt off balance from it all and so have been reacting by a major purge these past several days. It feels good, but it also feels like it is never enough.....well anyway, I found this image of a kitchen pantry inspiring and thought to share.
Happy New Year, and here's to an organized, clutter free year!

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